Newlyweds and guests await the wedding toast to celebrate the beautiful occasion. But what starts as an emotive speech by the bride's father turns into a long and dragged “thank you” list of pairings. The father’s speech is broken into four 15s spots, spread out during commercial breaks on TV and OLV (as seen in the sample edit below). With each spot, viewers get the continuation and boredom of the story. Wedding toasts taking longer than expected are not OK.
Audience: Ambicultural and Hispanic consumers.
Role: Associate Creative Direction / Art Direction / Copywriter • CD: Michel Rothschild • CCO: Ciro Sarmiento
SOCIAL: We transformed the "never-ending wedding toast" into a never-ending Instagram story. By showing the Dad's lengthy speech and the guests' humorous reactions, we urged viewers to skip ahead, highlighting that long wedding toasts are not OK. The footage was shot on an iPad for a “shot by the guests” feel.